Garhmukteshwar is a tehsil/block (CD) in the Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh. As per census 2011 information, the sub-district code of Garhmukteshwar block is 00741. The total area of Garhmukteshwar is 272 sq km, comprising 237.38 km² rural area and 34.13 km² urban area. Garhmukteshwar has a population of 3,84,831 people. The sub-district has 64,688 houses. There are about 137 villages in the Garhmukteshwar block.
Garhmukteshwar is an ancient place that finds mention in the Bhagavata Purana and the Mahabharata. It is claimed that it was a part of ancient Hastinapur, the capital of the Pandavas. The city derives its name from the temple of Mukteswar Mahadev, which is dedicated to the Goddess Ganga, worshiped in four temples. The city has sati pillars, places where Hindu widows are called sati-mata. The city also has a mosque, built by Ges-ud-din Balban, an inscription in Arabic for 682 Hijri (1283 A.D.).
The violence of division:-
Garhmukteshwar was the scene of major anti-Muslim violence in November 1946, at a time when various regions of British India were facing significant communal unrest in India and Pakistan as the partition of the country Gyanendra Pandey depicts the spot as “a similitude for the barbarities of Partition, and Partition itself is an illustration for unprecedented destructive savagery that was not seen again in India, perhaps until 1984”. A fair (fair) located 3 miles (4.8 km) from the city was attended by 700,000 to 800,000 people, and on 6 November 1946 several attacks on Muslim shopkeepers occurred during the incident, resulting in 46 casualties. Went and another 39 people were killed. Injured. Attacks and arson continued for several days at the fair, while a large number of anti-Muslim atrocities took place in the town of Garhmukteshwar, including murders, arson, and destruction of the Muslim quarter. Official reports reported the deaths of at least 214 Muslims in the town, and the counter-attacks also led to considerable Hindu deaths.
An official inquiry into the violence in Uttar Pradesh at the time noted that reports of similar violence in Calcutta resulted in a “desire for revenge” between both Hindus and Muslims.
Garhmukteshwar is located on National Highway 9, connecting it to New Delhi, which is about 100 kilometers (62 mi) away, and on a direct route to India, 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) from the Ganges River. Capital to that city.